ZUKOnnect Fellowships 2024 (Fully Funded)

The Zukunftskolleg is an Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). It offers fellowships as well as a diverse support network to promote the independence of early career researchers. Researchers at the postdoctoral level can work with minimal administrative constraints, and enjoy the freedom to engage in meaningful exchange with other up-and-coming colleagues and distinguished senior researchers. Researchers in the humanities, social, and natural sciences come to Konstanz from around the world to perform first-class research. The Zukunftskolleg is a keystone in the University of Konstanz’s institutional strategy and the University of Konstanz is one of Germany’s eleven Universities of Excellence.

The University of Konstanz is a university in the city of Konstanz in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Its main campus was opened on the Gießberg in 1972 after being founded in 1966. The university is Germany’s southernmost university and is situated on the shore of Lake Constance just four kilometres from the Swiss border. It has been successful in all three funding lines of the Excellence Initiative. It is, therefore, one of Germany’s elite “Universities of Excellence”, a group of prestigious universities often considered the German Ivy League. The university is ranked in the top 100 worldwide in social policy and administration in the 2020 QS World University Rankings and ranked 51 in Political Science according to the 2020 Shanghai Ranking. The U.S. Department of Energy also refers to the University of Konstanz as a “small Harvard”.

The Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships support early career researchers from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, who do research that fits one of the thirteen departments at the University of Konstanz. As a ZUKOnnect Fellow, researchers can use this time to extend their research networks and to get to know the research environment at the University of Konstanz while keeping their position at home. As these fellowships can build a first bridge to the German and European academic systems, they also encourage doctoral students in their last year to apply. The Zukunftskolleg will not offer employment contracts for ZUKOnnect Fellows.




  • During the on-campus research stay, a stipend of € 1,300/month for doctoral students and € 2,000/month for postdoctoral researchers (following DAAD guidelines).
  • Standard expenses for one economy-class trip to Konstanz and back.
  • The chance to participate in events organized by the Zukunftskolleg.
  • Access to library resources.
  • Access to IT services.
  • Access to research support services (via Research Support).
  • ZUKOnnect Fellows will benefit from a digital affiliation extending the total period to 12 months. The digital affiliation will be supported with up to € 900 (lump sum).
  • German language course (online and on-site to be confirmed for 2024)
  • Career Kit Plus – weekly series of seminars and workshops offered by the University of Konstanz staff members or external trainers (e.g. open access, good practice in academic writing, career perspectives, funding opportunities, but also sight visits and other encounters) Programme for 2024 to be confirmed.
  • “Fellows go Local” – ZUKOnnect meetings with fellows, staff, PhD students in town, helping to adjust in the local region supported by the Universitätsgesellschaft Konstanz.


  • You are educated AND currently work in Latin America, Asia, and/or Africa.
  • You hold a doctorate (max. 2 years, doctoral degree granted after 15 February 2022) OR are a doctoral student in your final year.
  • Your doctorate was/ is going to be completed at a university in Latin America, Asia, or Africa.
  • You do not hold a permanent professorship, nor do you have a habilitation or equivalent qualification (Venia legendi).
  • Your research project fits to one of the disciplines represented at the University of Konstanz.

Eligible Regions: Countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa.


  • Eligible candidates should apply through the organization’s official web portal. The web portal can be accessed by clicking on the “Apply Now” button below.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2024 (6 Days Remaining)


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