Application Deadline: 15 August 2024. 

Past Global Changes (PAGES) announces the Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program (African Mobility Fellowship) for African early-career scientists studying past global changes.

The PAGES program offers travel grants to early-career African researchers (PhD students and postdocs) interested in collaborating with colleagues in other African countries. This initiative aims to:

  • Boost research exchange: Gain new skills and knowledge by working at an African institution outside your home country.
  • Strengthen paleoscience networks: Collaborate with leading African scientists to advance research on past global changes in Africa.

Grant covers:

  • Travel (economy class)
  • Visa fees
  • Accommodation

Important notes:

  • Grant period: 4-8 months
  • Application deadline: August 15th, 2024
  • Insurance not included
  • PAGES not responsible for travel disruptions

This program fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing among African climate scientists, ultimately contributing to a more robust understanding of past global changes on the continent.


The applicants must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Be an early-career researcher either in the final stage of completing their PhD thesis/dissertation, or a postdoctoral researcher within five years of completing their PhD (including PhD holders who have not held a postdoc position).
  • Be either a student or hold a paid position in their home country at the time of the application, and during the fellowship period.
  • Be a citizen of any African country and currently working or doing their PhD at an African institution.
  • Already be working on a research topic within the scientific scope of PAGES.
  • Be willing to conduct research in another African institution/country.
  • Must secure the agreement of the host researcher/institution, and provide a confirmation letter from the host researcher/institution as a pre-condition for award of the fellowship.
  • Demonstrate that fellowship will not last for less than two weeks or for more than four weeks within a 12-month period from the date of award.

Awardees are chosen based on the quality of their application, which should include:

  • Research & Travel Description (1000 words): Clearly explain your proposed research and travel plans. Show how your project aligns with PAGES’ scientific focus on past global changes.
  • Impact on Your Career (200 words): Describe how this fellowship will benefit your professional development and contribute to your home institution/country.
  • Project Timeline & Outcomes (1 month): Outline your research schedule and expected results.
  • Detailed Budget (USD): Provide a breakdown of your estimated expenses.
  • Recommendation Letters (2): Include one from your current supervisor and one from your host institution’s supervisor.
  • CV (2 pages): Summarize your academic and professional achievements.

Application Tips:

  • Apply in English (French is also accepted).
  • Grant money will be transferred to your designated bank account.
  • After the fellowship, submit a final report (English) with financial details, scientific findings, and a short publishable article (650 words, 1 figure) for Past Global Changes Magazine.

Don’t miss the deadline! Apply by August 15th, 2024.

Please submit your proposal via the application form.

Then send your completed application form to show mail address with the subject “Application PAGES African Mobility Fellowship”.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the PAGES Inter-Africa Mobility Research Fellowship Program

Source: OFA


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