Thirty-nine students recently completed Paradigm Initiative’s (PIN) 10-week LIFE Legacy training program, which encompasses Life Skills, ICT Skills, Financial Readiness, and Entrepreneurship Skills. This pan-African non-governmental organization held a graduation ceremony at Strathmore University in Nairobi for trainees from the program’s first and second cohorts, awarding them attestations of completion.

Program Overview and Impact:

The LIFE Legacy Programme is part of Paradigm Initiative’s efforts to address unemployment in Kenya, targeting youth from underserved communities. The recent graduation marks the first batch of students completing the program, which aims to equip them with essential skills to thrive in the digital economy.

Keynote Address:

Mr. Timothy Were, ICT Deputy Director at the Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy in Kenya, attended the event. He emphasized the importance of digital skills in today’s economy and the significance of empowering youth from underserved communities. Mr. Were remarked, “The LIFE Legacy Programme represents more than a training course; it embodies a powerful vision of empowerment, inclusion, and opportunity. By focusing on digitally excluded individuals, this programme is contributing towards bridging the digital divide and unlocking the potential of young people from underrepresented backgrounds.”

Collaborative Efforts:

Alphonce Odhiambo, Founder of Gonline Africa, also spoke at the event, highlighting the need for ongoing efforts to support youth. He stressed the importance of collaboration among organizations in the digital sector to position young people effectively in the digital economy.

Program Origins and Expansion:

Khadijah El-Usman, Paradigm Initiative’s Senior Programmes Officer for Anglophone Africa, traced the origins of the LIFE Legacy Programme, noting its impact on underserved youth and communities across Africa. Since its launch in Ajegunle, Nigeria, in 2007, the program has expanded to multiple African nations.

Advocacy and Additional Initiatives:

Judith Ogutu, Paradigm Initiative’s Communications Manager, highlighted the organization’s broader efforts, including digital rights advocacy, policy development, and the scrutiny of digital rights and inclusion across the continent. She presented various digital advocacy tools developed by the organization, such as Ayeta, Ripoti, the Londa report, and short films inspired by the report.

Program Implementation and Reach:

Since its inception in Kenya in September 2023, the LIFE Legacy Programme has trained 80 young individuals from Kibera in Nairobi and Tana River in Coastal Kenya. The program aims to create opportunities for youth to access internships, online work, or entrepreneurial ventures, enabling them to earn immediate and sustainable income. Currently implemented in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, and Zimbabwe, the LIFE Legacy Programme has impacted the lives of more than 150,000 young Africans.

Source: Techeconomy


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