Minister laments effects of climate change on developing countries

Hon Lawal represented by Mrs Uduak Ekpa made this known at Coal City University Enugu during the maiden climate justice and just energy transition in developing countries conferences in honour of Prof. Chinedum Nwajiuba’s 60th birthday.

Recall that Prof. Chinedu Nwaniuba was the former Vice-Chancellor, Federal University Ndufu Alike Ikwo in Ebonyi State and later elected as the Chair of the Board, West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL).

He disclosed that climate justice and just energy transition is at the centre of the development discourse in Africa and globally because energy is a key driver of economic and social well being everywhere.

He declared that federal government in its effort to ensure a just and equitable energy transition, has launched the National Clean Cooking policy with the overall goal of providing sustainable adaptable forms of clean energy and low-carbon energy access to all Nigerians.

“Today’s event is uniquely special because we are honouring and celebrating an embodiment of excellence and leadership, an icon, a model and global masterpiece and a voice in climate change and energy space.

“Climate change is one of the most critical global challenges of our times with attendant environmental, cultural, political and socioeconomic consequences. This is evident as millions of vulnerable people face disproportionate challenges in terms of extreme events, health effects, food, water, and livelihood security, migration and forced displacement, loss of cultural identity, and other related risks.

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