Over the weekend, Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, announced his departure from the board of Bluesky, the decentralized social networking project he initiated in 2019. 

This came after Jack Dorsey responded to a query on social media regarding his current involvement with Bluesky, simply stating, “no.” Despite numerous follow-up inquiries, Dorsey did not provide further details about his decision to leave.

The exact timing of Dorsey’s departure from Bluesky remains unclear. As of Sunday morning, Bluesky’s official FAQ still listed him as a board member. However, later that afternoon, Bluesky released a formal statement expressing gratitude for Dorsey’s contributions to the project’s inception and funding.

Bluesky emphasized that it continues to thrive as an open-source social network operating on the atproto decentralized protocol.

Following Dorsey’s exit, Bluesky is actively searching for a new board member who shares the company’s vision of empowering users to control their social media experience.

CEO Jay Graber now leads Bluesky, which transitioned into an independent public benefit corporation with venture capital backing and opened to the public in February.

Despite indications that he deleted his Bluesky account last year, a change not widely acknowledged until recently, Dorsey’s involvement with Bluesky had remained prominent.

This move contrasts with Dorsey’s active presence on social media, where he has shared updates about Bluesky alongside personal reflections and commentary on current events.

In addition to his role in Bluesky, Dorsey has engaged in various discussions and posts on social media, including commentary on music industry feuds and advocating for personal empowerment through “freedom technology.”

Source: Techeconomy

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