Applications are now open for the 2024/2025 DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) Programme.

Overview of DAAD PRIME 2024/2025

DAAD PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) funds the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers through temporary positions at German universities. This program aims to enhance the qualifications of postdoctoral researchers by supporting independent research stays abroad, coupled with a mandatory return phase to reintegrate into the German science system. The target group consists of postdoctoral researchers who envision their long-term professional careers in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides the funding for this program.

Requirements and Eligibility

General Requirements:

  • Applicants must have above-average qualifications from any faculty.
  • Completion of a doctorate with excellent results is required before the start of funding.
  • No restrictions on nationality or current residency, but there may be restrictions on the destination country for the stay abroad.

Specific Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates must have an excellent scientific record, including at least one publication (co-authorship accepted).
  • The doctorate must be completed before the start of funding, with excellent marks. If the doctorate is ungraded, the DAAD selection committee will decide.
  • Applications are accepted up to six years after the first doctorate, considering parental and care periods.
  • Compliance with the mobility rule is mandatory: applicants must choose a country (except Germany) where they have not resided or carried out their main activity for more than 12 months in the three years preceding the application deadline of August 30, 2024.
  • EU nationals, resident citizens, or those continuously active in research in the EU for three years before recruitment can spend their research stay outside the EU. Other applicants must stay within the EU for their 12-month “abroad” phase.
  • Applicants living abroad must state their intent to continue their research careers in Germany after the return phase.
  • Applicants with a permanent employment contract with the prospective host institution are not eligible.
  • The research stay abroad and the return phase to Germany are mandatory.
  • Applicants must agree to the “Rules of Good Scientific Practice” and ethical guidelines.
  • Re-application is allowed once within two years, with improvements labeled and explained in the project proposal.

Funding Details

Funding Provided:

  • An 18-month employment contract at a German university.
  • A 12-month research stay abroad followed by a 6-month return phase in Germany.
  • The possibility to combine stays at several research institutions in one or multiple countries.

Funding Duration:

  • 18 months in total: 12 months abroad and 6 months in Germany (funding cycle 12+6).
  • An alternate schedule may be approved by DAAD if required by science or insurance/residence law.

Support and Compensation:

  • The DAAD concludes a grant agreement with the German university covering regular salary and monthly expatriate allowance.
  • Salary is based on the German pay scale TV-L EG 13, determined by the university and previous work experience.
  • Monthly expatriate allowance is based on the destination area’s classification and the fellow’s gross income.
  • A lump sum travel subsidy is provided, with additional allowances for spouses and children accompanying the fellow for at least one month during the research stay abroad.

Application Process

Eligible candidates interested in the DAAD PRIME program should ensure they meet all the criteria and prepare their application accordingly. The application deadline is August 30, 2024. For more detailed information and application guidelines, applicants are encouraged to visit the official DAAD PRIME program page.

This structured overview provides a comprehensive and organized presentation of the DAAD PRIME program, ensuring clarity on requirements, eligibility, funding details, and application processes.

Application Deadline: 30 August 2024

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience – P.R.I.M.E

Source: OFA

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