Ashesi-ETH Master in Mechatronic Engineering

Since Janu­ary 2022, Ashesi Uni­ver­sity in Ghana and ETH Zurich have been of­fer­ing a joint Mas­ter’s pro­gramme in Mechat­ronic En­gin­eer­ing. 40 stu­dents from 7 African coun­tries are cur­rently study­ing at Ashesi Uni­ver­sity. A third co­hort has been se­lec­ted and will start their stud­ies in 2024. The pro­gramme is de­livered in block courses de­veloped and taught in tan­dem by fac­ulty from both uni­ver­sit­ies.

The pro­gramme is foun­ded on a strong part­ner­ship between Ashesi Uni­ver­sity, ETH Zurich, in­dustry and sup­port­ing part­ners. This col­lab­or­a­tion is main­tained through reg­u­lar vis­its and ex­changes.


Mechat­ron­ics en­com­passes a range of tech­no­lo­gies that em­power a vari­ety of daily life ap­plic­a­tions ran­ging from auto­ma­tion of house­hold equip­ment to “smart” man­u­fac­tur­ing, self-driving cars, sur­gical ro­bots and ro­botic space ex­plor­a­tion. De­livered at Ashesi Uni­ver­sity by fac­ulty from Ashesi and ETH Zurich, this Mas­ter’s Pro­gramme equips stu­dents with spe­cial­ist com­pet­ences and wide range of skills to pur­sue a ca­reer in this dy­namic and future-oriented field.


Stu­dents will build re­search and in­nov­a­tion com­pet­ences through in­dus­trial in­tern­ships and a Mas­ter pro­ject work where they will com­bine the­ory and prac­tice with a fo­cus on top­ics that suit their in­terests and ca­reer plans, guided by ex­perts from aca­demia and in­dustry whose teach­ing and train­ing are in­formed by world-class re­search and ex­pert­ise.


The in­volve­ment of our in­dustry part­ners – ABB, Barry Cal­le­baut, Bühler, HPW, Holcim, Nestlé, and Tetra Pak – all of whom are op­er­a­tion­ally present in Africa, en­sures that the pro­gramme ad­dresses re­gional mar­ket needs. In ad­di­tion to provid­ing ment­or­ship and in­dus­trial in­tern­ships, our in­dustry part­ners of­fer full schol­ar­ships and dir­ect job op­por­tun­it­ies in the re­gion after the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the pro­gramme.


Pro­gramme High­lights

Fully Fun­ded Edu­ca­tional Pro­gramme: Full schol­ar­ships cov­er­ing tu­ition, aca­demic fees, laptop & equip­ment, ac­com­mod­a­tion, health in­sur­ance, one trip home each year, monthly sti­pend for other liv­ing ex­penses

Ment­or­ship: Per­sonal ca­reer de­vel­op­ment, sup­por­ted by pro­fe­sional ex­perts and guided by an ex­per­i­enced mentor

In­tern­ship: Chal­len­ging hands-on as­sign­ments in learn­ing by do­ing

Job Of­fer: Our global-leading in­dustry part­ners and other com­pan­ies in the re­gion provide job op­por­tun­it­ies after gradu­ation

Three-Year Pro­gramme with Two Cer­ti­fic­ates: Mas­ter of Ad­vance Stud­ies (MAS) from ETH Zurich and Mas­ter of Sci­ence (MSc) from Ashesi Uni­ver­sity


Source: Opportunity Desk

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