Calling all African PhD students in the early stages of their doctoral journey!

The African Doctoral Academy (ADA) at Stellenbosch University is offering a limited number of scholarships to attend their Winter School program. This is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable research and methodology skills, enhance your academic preparedness, and develop your career prospects.

Scholarship Benefits:

  • Attend the ADA hybrid Winter School, held from June 24 to July 19, 2024.
  • Receive a fully-funded course on research, publishing, scientific communication, or career development.
  • Network with other African doctoral students and faculty.


  • Be enrolled in a PhD program at an African university.
  • Be within the first 18 months of your doctoral studies.
  • Be registered at your home institution by June 24, 2024.

How to Apply:

  1. Complete the online form by the deadline (May 10th).
  2. Upload the required documents:
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Proof of registration at your home institution (including registration date)
    • Written approval/referee report from your PhD supervisor on university letterhead with signature
  3. Select your preferred course (you can choose a first and second choice).

Additional Notes:

  • Female candidates and students from African universities receive priority consideration.
  • Previous beneficiaries of ADA or Stellenbosch University funding may be placed on a waiting list.
  • Deadline: 10th May, 2024
Don’t miss this chance to take your doctoral studies to the next level! Apply for the ADA Winter School scholarship today.

Source: After school Africa 

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