Eisenhower Global Scholars Program 2024-25 (Fully-funded) 

Eisenhower Global Scholars Program 2024-25 (Fully-funded)
Are you a recent American university graduate with a passion for global affairs, public service, and effective governance? The 2025 Global Scholars Program, offered by the Eisenhower Foundation, presents an unparalleled opportunity for individuals aged 20 to 30 to embark on a transformative academic journey.

Unveiling the Program

The Eisenhower Global Scholars Program is a prestigious initiative that selects four outstanding individuals each year to pursue postgraduate studies at two renowned European universities. The chosen institutions are none other than the venerable University of Oxford in England and the innovative IE University in Madrid, Spain.

Program Highlights

Academic Immersion

The Global Scholars will engage in a comprehensive academic year, delving into intensive postgraduate studies at their respective universities. The program offers two distinct tracks, each leading to a master’s degree:
  1. Master in Public Policy: Hosted by the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford, this track is tailored for individuals with a keen interest in public service and effective governance.
  2. Master in International Relations: Administered by the School of Global Public Affairs at IE University in Spain, this track focuses on the global economy, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Networking Opportunities

Beyond the academic curriculum, Global Scholars will find themselves immersed in the Eisenhower Fellowships (EF) global network of Fellows. This invaluable connection opens doors to a diverse community of professionals, fostering collaboration, and creating lasting bonds.

Application Process

Key Dates

Applications for the 2025 Global Scholars Program are open from November 29, 2023, to March 22, 2024.

Eligibility & Criteria

Prospective scholars must meet certain eligibility criteria, and selection is based on merit. Applicants are typically reviewed by nominating committees, which may also conduct interviews to gain deeper insights into each candidate. GET STARTED

The Journey Ahead

Review and Interviews

After the application window closes, nominating committees diligently review the submissions and schedule interviews with shortlisted candidates. https://www.adsensecustomsearchads.com/afs/ads?psid=5134551505&channel=AutoRsVariant&cx=r-aa2988ad1fc2cc456&fexp=44759876%2C44759927%2C31080589%2C31080620%2C44798934%2C95322195%2C95320888%2C95321626%2C95322166%2C95323008%2C31061690%2C44808454%2C21404%2C17300003%2C17301383%2C71847096&iab_gdprApplies=false&client=pub-3071823692270483&r=m&hl=en&cpp=5&rpbu=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com&rpqp=q&type=3&rs_tt=c&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&format=r5&nocache=4911706521314388&num=0&output=afd_ads&domain_name=opportunitiesforyouth.org&v=3&bsl=10&pac=0&u_his=11&u_tz=60&dt=1706521314389&u_w=1366&u_h=768&biw=1349&bih=611&psw=1349&psh=3847&frm=0&cl=600476684&uio=-&cont=autors-container-0&drt=0&jsid=csa&jsv=600476684&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fopportunitiesforyouth.org%2F2024%2F01%2F06%2Feisenhower-global-scholars-program-2024-25-fully-funded%2F&referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


Successful candidates are informed of their status, marking the beginning of their transformative journey as Global Scholars.


In the months leading up to the academic year, selected scholars are expected to dedicate significant time to research, preparation, and planning. Collaborating with EF team members, they tailor their experience to maximize the opportunities that lie ahead.


As autumn arrives, Global Scholars embark on their journey to Europe, commencing their academic year at the prestigious universities. Throughout the year, they also have the unique opportunity to meet with Eisenhower Fellows and other members of the EF community in Europe.

Learn More and Apply

For more information about the 2025 Global Scholars Program, including eligibility requirements and the application process, visit our website here. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at scholars@efworld.org. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary program that promises not only academic excellence but also a global perspective that will shape your future endeavors. The world awaits the 2025 Global Scholars – will you be one of them? Questions? Email us at scholars@efworld.org GET STARTED LEARN MORE PROGRAM FLYER
Source: Opportunity Desk

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