Applications are now open for the 2024 MILEAD [Moremi Initiative Leadership Empowerment and Development] Fellows Program.

The MILEAD Fellows Program is an initiative committed to the long-term leadership development of promising young leaders selected as Fellows. Fellows undergo training, experiential learning, and mentoring to build knowledge and skills, strengthen networks, and facilitate a supportive ecosystem of women’s leadership on critical issues. The program connects young women with influential African leaders and provides lifelong solidarity and support through the MILEAD Network.

One distinctive feature is the integration of community service. Each Fellow initiates and leads a community change (MiCHANGE) project on a critical issue affecting their community or African women as a whole.

The MILEAD Program offers world-class knowledge, skills, values, and support systems crucial for success as 21st-century women leaders. It will be granted to 25 outstanding young women demonstrating leadership potential in their community, organization, or profession.

MILEAD seeks dynamic young women aged 19-25 interested in honing transformational leadership skills to tackle issues facing women and girls in African communities. The program includes a three-week residential Summer Institute in Ghana and a community change project.

Program Details:

  • Each class of MILEAD Fellows includes twenty-five exceptional young women from 25 countries, participating in yearlong transformational leadership training and community leadership projects with support and mentoring.
  • The one-year curriculum involves approximately 22 days of face-to-face and ongoing online training, mentoring, and community service projects.
  • The program features a three-week summer institute, online seminars, networking, mentoring, community leadership projects, and exchange programs with professionals.
  • The three-week summer institute comprises lectures, discussions, workshops, visits to institutions, meetings with key leaders, case studies, readings, research, presentations, and internships.

Program Benefits:

Selected candidates receive benefits such as:

  • Skills in leadership, activism, research, mentoring, public speaking, and advocacy.
  • National to global recognition as promising women leaders.
  • Access to opportunities and resources for education, professional, leadership, and personal development.
  • Knowledge of critical issues like human rights, women’s human rights, leadership concepts, gender equity, and social justice.
  • Automatic membership in the Moremi Fellow’s Network upon program completion.

Long-Term Support:

  • Fellows’ achievements and initiatives are promoted through partner networks and the media.
  • Access to Moremi Initiative mentors, including outstanding African women leaders.
  • Support to implement personal community leadership projects.


  • Limited full scholarships available for the three-week MILEAD Summer Institute.
  • The fee for the 2024 MILEAD Institute is $4,500, covering travels, accommodation, tuition, meals, site visits, events, training materials, and program-related costs.

Application Procedure:

  • Submit complete application forms, a CV, and two recommendation letters via email.


  • February 1, 2024: Applications Open
  • March 22, 2024: Application deadline
  • March-April: Applications review and shortlisting
  • May: Interviews with shortlisted candidates
  • May 30, 2024: Official Announcement of 2024 MILEAD Fellows
  • July 12-August 2, 2024: 2024 MILEAD Leadership Institute
  • Sept. 2024-Aug 2024: Online Seminars & International Programs
  • October 2024: Fellows activate and launch MiCHANGE community projects
  • Sept 2024-Sept 2024: Implementation of MiCHANGE Projects

Application Deadline: March 22, 2024.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the MILEAD [Moremi Initiative Leadership Empowerment and Development] Fellows Program


From the Source on Fellowship Grant: Opportunities for Africa

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