Examining the Fallout from the Crisis in Nigeria’s Poultry Sector

Data reveals a stark reality. Recently, the Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN) voiced serious apprehension regarding the closure of over 50 percent of poultry farms in 2023.

This signifies that for every two poultry farms in Nigeria during 2023, one ceased operations. This 50 percent figure represents a significant portion of all poultry farms and highlights the profound challenges gripping the sector.

The unfortunate aspect is that this alarming trend has profound consequences both on the economy and public health.

Economic Impact: The Nigerian poultry industry holds vital importance for the country’s economy, contributing to job creation and food security. The closures cast a shadow over Nigeria’s economy, resulting in revenue losses, widespread unemployment, and cascading effects on related sectors.

Mojeed Iyiola, President of PAN, revealed that the poultry industry is struggling to meet the surging demand for its products.

This scarcity has led to a substantial increase in egg prices, soaring to an exorbitant N3,500 per crate, and a kilogram of chicken reaching N3,800.

The economic ramifications extend beyond the farms, affecting consumers who bear the brunt of inflated prices.

Experts point out that a key factor contributing to this crisis is the surge in production costs, primarily driven by the astronomical rise in maize prices, a crucial ingredient in poultry feed.

The price of maize skyrocketed by 79.23 percent year-on-year, amplifying the challenges faced by poultry farmers grappling with increased operational costs.

Moreover, the ripple effect extends to the broader economy, impacting businesses reliant on poultry products and possibly leading to job losses within the sector. The strain on the economy could exacerbate existing challenges, necessitating the addressing of the root causes of this crisis.

Health Implications: Beyond the economic realm, the health implications of this poultry crisis cannot be ignored. The shortage of poultry products, especially eggs, poses a threat to the nutritional balance of consumers.

Eggs are a vital source of protein and essential nutrients, and the scarcity raises concerns about potential nutritional gaps in the diet of many Nigerians.

Poultry, rich in lean protein, provides essential amino acids crucial for muscle repair, immune function, and overall health. Adequate protein intake supports weight management and helps in maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, poultry is a good source of vitamins and minerals, contributing to a well-rounded and nutritious diet.

Poultry and poultry products are easily some of the most accessible sources of protein in the country. This is no longer the case.

A Path Forward: Poultry producers in Nigeria are grappling with a host of challenges that threaten the viability of their operations. These challenges include soaring production costs driven by the reliance on expensive (and sometimes) imported feed ingredients, insecurity, and high energy expenses.

Insecurity is a significant problem, pervasive across the middle belt region, the food basket of the nation, with the burning of entire villages, bandits taxing farmers, and widespread kidnapping for ransom. The security forces appear hapless.

Additionally, outbreaks of diseases such as avian influenza and Newcastle disease pose significant risks, aggravated by inadequate biosecurity measures. Furthermore, the industry is hindered by deficient infrastructure, low levels of technology adoption, and insufficient government support.

To address these multifaceted issues, comprehensive and far-reaching solutions are needed.

Firstly, there must be concerted efforts to bring down production costs. To mitigate the burden of high production costs, efforts should focus on promoting local production of feed ingredients and exploring alternative, cost-effective energy sources such as renewable energy. Government incentives and subsidies can encourage domestic production of feed inputs, thereby reducing reliance on imports.

Secondly, disease management needs improvement. Robust biosecurity measures are crucial to preventing and controlling disease outbreaks.

This includes enhancing surveillance systems, promoting vaccination programs, and providing training to poultry farmers on disease prevention and control practices. Strengthening veterinary services and establishing disease-free zones can help contain the spread of infectious diseases.

Additionally, enhancing investments in infrastructure, such as modernized processing facilities and cold chain logistics, can improve efficiency and product quality. Furthermore, promoting the adoption of technology, such as automated feeding systems and data analytics for monitoring health and productivity, can enhance productivity and competitiveness within the industry.

Moreover, consistent and targeted government policies are essential to provide a conducive environment for poultry producers.

This includes ensuring access to affordable credit, facilitating market access through trade agreements and tariff policies, and implementing measures to curb unfair competition from cheap imports.

Additionally, capacity-building initiatives and extension services can support small-scale poultry farmers in adopting best practices and improving productivity.

The government must also prioritize security and take necessary actions to get farmers back to their farms.

Furthermore, the crisis opens up an opportunity to explore the importation of maize for feed production.

Diversifying the sources of maize could provide a buffer against local supply chain disruptions. While this may not be a panacea, strategically importing maize can be a short-term solution to stabilize production costs and mitigate the impact on the poultry industry.

Experts contend that investment in research and development is crucial to finding innovative solutions to the challenges facing the poultry industry.

This includes research into alternative feed ingredients, breeding programs for disease-resistant poultry breeds, and the development of sustainable production practices.

In this challenging year, addressing the root causes of Nigeria’s poultry sector crisis requires sustained government interventions, innovative solutions, and collaboration. This is a call to action for policymakers, industry players, and the wider community to come together, addressing not only the immediate issues but also fortifying the foundations of a robust and secure poultry sector in Nigeria.

Nigeria has the potential to achieve sustainable growth and resilience within its poultry industry, ensuring food security, economic development, and livelihood opportunities for millions of people involved in the sector. However, haphazard methods will not suffice. It must actively pursue implementing comprehensive and holistic solutions.


Image Source: Google Search Engine

From Elvis Eromosele; The News Source: Techeconomy

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