Stakeholders seek better participation of women in oil industry


Stakeholders are seeking for ways to better and promote gender inclusivity and ensure that women take on leadership positions in the oil and gas industry.

At the annual Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria, PENGASSAN, Women Annual Convention, PWAC, with theme: The dynamic woman navigating challenges in a constantly evolving world, President of PENGASSAN, Festus Osifo, who doubles as President of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, said women are underrepresented in many areas, and there is a need to advocate for policies and practices that promote gender equality and called on stakeholders to provide tools, knowledge and confidence to navigate and shape the future of the association and the energy sector.

He said: “Women remain underrepresented in many areas, particularly in leadership roles and technical positions; addressing this imbalance is a matter of equity but also a business imperative. We must continue to advocate for policies and practices that promote gender equality, such as mentorship and leadership programmes, flexible work arrangements, and initiatives that encourage young women to pursue careers in STEM fields. By creating a more inclusive environment, to enable all talent to thrive and contribute to the industry’s growth and sustainability.

“From industry-wide initiatives to company specific diversity programs, women are leading in fostering a collaborative culture that values diversity and inclusion. Their efforts not only benefit their careers but also contribute to a more innovative and resilient industry. As we look to the future, it is imperative to inspire and support the next generation of dynamic women in the oil and gas industry, mentorship education and opportunities are key. We must provide young women with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to navigate and shape the future of our association and the energy sector.”

Speaking, National Chairperson, PENGASSAN Women Commission, PWC, Maryann  Mbanaso, said the theme for this year’s convention, reflects the resilience, adaptability, and innovation that defines the women of PENGASSAN, noting that the event will motivate women to amplify their voices especially in the oil and gas sector.

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