FG rates NPA 100% on PEBEC ranking


The Federal Government’s Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council (PEBEC) has awarded the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) a perfect score of 100% for its performance in enhancing the ease of doing business in Nigeria.

This recognition was announced at the recently concluded PEBEC cohort #3 program. The accolade was bestowed upon the NPA for its dedication to driving reforms, with PEBEC noting that the NPA implemented approximately 63 reforms. This number of activities surpassed those of other federal government agencies, earning the NPA the title of “the most committed agency” that achieved this 100% accomplishment.

The most significant reform under cohort #3 was the reduction in export processing turnaround time, which was benchmarked against competing jurisdictions. The NPA successfully reduced its processing time for exports from an average of 10 days to a timeline of 3-5 days, depending on the arrival of the lifting vessel.

Other notable reforms included ensuring transparency, reducing costs, and streamlining processes. Speaking on this development, the Managing Director of NPA, Mohammed Bello Koko, commended the frontline role of the Minister of Marine & Blue Economy, Adegboyega Oyetola, whose pragmatic leadership was instrumental in achieving this feat.

Koko emphasized that the comprehensive reform agenda being implemented in the maritime industry helped the Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy emerge as the “Best Performing Ministry” in driving PEBEC reforms.

This achievement highlights the NPA’s commitment to improving the business environment in Nigeria, making the country’s ports more efficient and competitive on a global scale.

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